I expect more people all over the world to run under two hours after today.” “I am the happiest man in the world to be the first human to run under two hours and I can tell people that no human is limited. “It is a great feeling to make history in sport after Sir Roger Bannister,” Kipchoge said in reference to the late Briton’s first sub four-minute mile in 1954. The groups were also helped by a pace car with a laser beam, projecting the ideal position on the road, and they received drinks handed over by cyclists and other runners to prevent them from having to slow down.

Starting at 8:15 a.m., Kipchoge was supported by 36 pacemakers who accompanied him in alternating groups, one of the reasons the IAAF governing body will not ratify the time as a world record. I got a phone call from the President of Kenya.” “The pressure was very big on my shoulders.

“That was the best moment of my life,” he said before adding that he trained four-and-a-half months for his extraordinary race against the clock. Kipchoge, who compared his attempt earlier to a man landing on the moon, twice punched his chest in celebration and smiled when he finished.